Get that Body with Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck in Dubai

Being sexy is synonymous to having a perfectly shaped body. It means wearing the clothes you want and looking fabulous in it. If you are not born with an hour glass figure or have lost your form due to weight gain and multiple pregnancies.  Abdominoplasty Tummy tuck might just be the best option for you.

About Abdomenoplasty Surgery
Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure which aims to firm and flatten the abdomen by removing excess fats and loose skin. It also involves tightening and firming the muscles inside the abdomen to create a toned and tighter tummy instantly.


Benefits of Tummy Tuck
Tummy tuck provides a quicker and a more effective fix for individuals who want to get rid of stubborn belly problems and love handles. Abdomenoplasty surgery helps women restore their original body and get rid of stretch marks cause after multiple pregnancies and weight gain.

Abdomenoplasty Surgeon
Abdominoplasty should be performed by an accredited surgeon to get the desired results after the operation. One of the most distinguished surgeons performing cosmetic Abdominoplasty tummy tuck surgery in Dubai is Dr. Nader Saab. With years of successful medical practice, Saab’s Private Beauty Clinic in Dubai provides state of the art technology, medical procedures and exclusive postoperative care and medication to help you achieve a sexier body.

Clients do not have to fear tummy tuck surgery. Dr. Saab’s procedure is performed using light intravenous neuroleptics which eliminate the risks and complications during the operation.

Getting Ready
The following preparations are recommended before Abdominoplasty surgery:
•    Smoking and Drinking are strongly advised to be stopped two weeks before the scheduled operation
•    Regular exercise and gentle walks are ahead of the surgery to prevent weight gain during recovery
•    A healthy balanced diet is essential before and after the surgery
•    Make sure to tell your surgeon if you are taking any medication or supplements to avoid complications. Other medicines may be unhealthy for the patient who is about to undergo a surgical procedure.
•    Have someone to drive for you before and after your operation

•    Recovery after tummy tuck surgery takes longer. It‘s advised to take a leave for two weeks and take a lot of bed rest.
•    Follow you surgeons’ postoperative medication for smooth and fast recuperation.
•    Avoid smoking and drinking four weeks following the operation.
•    The patient must wear a sheath support every day and night for two weeks to minimize bruising and swelling.
•    Strenuous activities must be avoided while recovering.

To learn more about Abdominoplasty Tummy tuck in Dubai and surgical cost, consult your doctor in advance.

So if you are concerned about your “pot belly”. You must be thinking about having the best Abdominoplasty tummy tuck in Dubai. Visit Dr Nader Saab’s clinic for consultation and get the needful information before you undergo the surgical procedure.