Otoplasty Ear Surgery in Dubai

Our ears, like the eyes, nose and lips contribute to our overall appearance. Having ears that are too big for the face or ears that ‘stick out’ may affect the child psychologically and emotionally while growing.

The child could be a target of teasing and bullying by other students…for adults, having ears that are unusual in size and shape may cause the individual to be self-conscious, less confident and dissatisfied with his or her appearance.

Get Your Ear Right with Ear Surgery
You do not have to suffer embarrassment because of your ears. With the help of a certified otoplasty surgeon, the peculiarities in your ear will be corrected in an hour or two depending on the form of the ear. The patient is scar free since the incisions are hidden at the back of the ear.

This surgical procedure can also be performed on children as long as their ears have fully developed. The surgeon may utilize one or more techniques to create the ‘perfect’ ear for the client:
•    Ear reduction: Excess skin and cartilage will be removed reduced the ear to a more suitable size
•    Ear augmentation: This procedure is done to reconstruct lacking or missing parts of the ear.
•    Otoplexy : also known as ear pinning, refers to the flattening of protruding ears. It is performed to correct the position of the ears that “sticks- out” by bringing the ears closer to the side of the head.

Where to Get Otoplasty in Dubai?
Beautiful results can be achieved by choosing the best surgeon to perform the operation. One of the accredited surgeons in Dubai, when it comes to cosmetic plastic surgery is Dr. Nader Saab. His cosmetic clinic carries out ear surgery in artistic fashion under a local anesthesia.

Getting Ready
Here are few steps recommended by Dr. Nader Saab Clinic in Dubai before the Otoplasty surgery.
•    The child patient should be prepared physically and emotionally to take the ear surgery. The school must be notified in advance.
•    Smoking and alcohol drinking must be avoided by the patient two weeks before the operation for faster recovery.
•    The patient must abstain from drinking and eating anything eight hours
•    Make sure that some is there to drive for the patient before and after the surgery
•    Make sure that the hair is thoroughly clean on the day of the surgery. It is strongly recommended that men have a short haircut. Women should firmly pin or braid their hair.
•    Wear comfortable clothes

Tips for fast ear surgery recovery:
•    The child patient must stay away from activities that may impact the ears.
•    Do not rinse the hair 1 week after the operation
•    Follow the doctor’s medication precisely
•    Use 2-3 comfortable pillows to keep your head elevated and avoid sleeping on your side while healing.
•    Be patient and take the necessary rest needed by your body.
To learn more about the operation and surgical cost, make your online consultations in advance.



Do you want to change the functioning and appearance of your ear? Go for an Otoplasty ear surgery in Dubai. But, you have to consult first with the qualified surgeon for this procedure. Visit Dr. Nader Saab Clinic for further inquiry.